YWCA Retirement Fund Benefit Estimator Help




Current Account Balance

You may find this information on your most recent quarterly statement or by calling the Fund

Current Status

Using the drop down menu, select whether you are an active or inactive participant

Current Annual Salary

Fill-in your expected annual salary for this calendar year

Date of Birth

Click on the calendar to select your date of birth or you may type it in a mm/dd/yyyy format

I’d like to see benefits for my beneficiary

If you would like your annuity as a Joint and Survivor form, then click this box.  That means your monthly benefit will be reduced during your lifetime but you will be able to provide some monthly income for a beneficiary.

Employer Cont. Rate + Fund Match

This choice is for active participants only. Every year your employer elects 1 of 4 contribution rates.  The Fund pays an additional matching contribution based upon the contribution rate chosen by your employer.  Please select the one that your employer has chosen. 

Enter My Optional Contributions as

If you are eligible to make Optional Employee After-Tax Contributions, will you be making a contribution based on a percentage of your current gross salary or would you like to contribute a fixed dollar amount every pay period?





Annual Interest Rate

Move the slider from left to right to select an annual interest rate between 0 and 5 %

Optional Employee After Tax Contributions

If you would like to contribute based upon a percentage of your salary, move the slider from left to right to select an amount between 0% and 10%.  If you would like to contribute a fixed dollar amount, please type in an amount that does not exceed 10% of your gross salary.

Age at Termination

Move the slider from left to right to select your age (between 40 and 85) when you will terminate employment with your YWCA

Age at Retirement

Move the slider from left to right to select the age (between 40 and 85) at which you will begin retirement